Glossary of Ayurvedic Terms - B

commonest meanings defined in simplest way.

[Index]  [A]  [B]  [C]  [D]  [E]  [G]  [H]  [I]  [J]
[K]  [L]  [M]  [N]  [O]  [P]  [R]  [S]  [T]  [U]  [V]  [Y] 



This is a Sanskrit word which means strength.


It is an energizer that gives strength to the body.


A mineral ingredient of Ayurvedic preparations prepared in an often lengthy processes of repeated heating with herbs.


Division, variety and distinction.

Bhrajaka (Pitta)

A type of Pitta that gives color or shining to the skin.


The fire (enzyme) that digests elements (bhuta).


The science dealing with microorganisms and evil spirits, demonology.


It means devotion for the almighty, faithfulness, worshipful service, homage and loyalty towards the creator.


It refers to the enema therapy of panchkarma. Basti is the most effective treatment of vata disorder. Vata is a predominant site in the colon. In ayurveda basti involves the introduction of herbal solution of sesame in the rectum.
Basti relieves constipation, distention, chronic fever, cold, sexual disorders, kidney stones, heart pain, backache, sciatica and other joint pains like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, muscle spasm and headaches.


These are the substances that break down fecal matter and help remove it out of the body thus cleaning the colon.

Bhrajaka pitta

Located in the skin of the whole body it is one of the five sub types of pitta And has the function of giving color to the skin and provide luster.


Located at the root of the tongue and the pharynx it is one of the five subtypes of kapha and enables perception of taste.


It is the name of the first god in the Hindu God trinity. Considered as the creator of all mankind, all that lives and constitutes the mortal universe he has the universe as his body that manifests the energy of creation.


These are the herbs / natural substances that promote growth.


Refers to the intellect of the living beings, the faculty of wisdom, intelligence and discrimination. There are two types of buddhi namely: pitta buddhi which is sharp and has the capability of discrimination, understanding and appreciation providing a strong remote and recent memory, whereas the other one i.e.: the kapha buddhi is slow, dull and capability to understand little with the capacity to retain it.


A state of continence followed during student life, routine followed while studying Vedas.


Time period (two hours) preceding sunrise.