Concept of Tridosha - Vata - part 1

Part One: Introduction to Tridosha Theory of Ayurveda

Ayurveda (Sanskrit for "knowledge of life" or "knowledge of longevity") is a comprehensive ,holistic, traditional health cares system of India.

There are several aspects to Ayurveda that are quite unique:

The most fundamental and characteristic principle of Ayurveda is called "Tridosha" Or the Three Humors.

All matter is thought to he composed of five basic elements ( panchamahabhutas ) which exhibit the properties of earth (prithvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha).

The structural aspect of our body is made up of five elements, but the functional aspect of the body is governed by three biological humors. Ether and air together constitute VATA; fire and water,PITTA; and water and earth, KAPHA.
They govern psycho-biological changes in the body and physio-pathological changes too. Vata-pitta-kapha are present in every cell, tissue and organ. In every person they differ in permutations and combinations.

The sperm is the male seed, and the ovum is the female egg. They also contain vata-pitta-kapha (VPK). Bodily vata-pitta-kapha changes according to diet, life style and emotions. The father's lifestyle, diet, influences the sperm and emotions, and the ovum by the mother's. At the time of fertilization, when a single sperm enters a single ovum, individual constitution is determined.

Every individual has a unique combination of these three doshas. To understand individuality is the foundation of healing according to Ayurveda, "The Science of Life".

Doshas are to be seen as all pervasive, subtle entities, Vata regulates movement and is represented by the nervous system. Pitta is the principle of biotransformation and is the cause of all metabolic processes in the body. Kapha is the principle of cohesion and functions through the body fluids. In every person these three doshas differ in permutations and combinations and thereby determine the physiologic constitution(Prakriti) of an individual.Vata, pitta and kapha are distinctly present in every individual and express in each human being differently according to predominance of their different qualities (gunas).

Part 2 :

What is Vata ? How to balance it ?

VATA -- The Air or Nerve System Humor
vata is dry, light, cold, mobile, active, clear, astringent, and it is dispersing.Vata season is autumn, time of day is afternoon and early morning.

Vata Personality

vata is dry, light, cold, mobile, active, clear, astringent, and it is dispersing. All of these qualities can manifest in an individual. For example, if a person has excess vata in his or her constitution, because of the dry quality, he or she will have dry hair, dry skin, dry colon and a tendency towards constipation. Because of the light quality, which is opposite of heavy, the vata person will have a light body frame, light muscles, and light fat, and so will be thin and underweight, or "skinny-minny". Because of the cold quality, the vata person will have cold hands, cold feet and poor circulation. They hate the cold season and love summer. Because of the mobile quality, vata people are very active. They like jogging and jumping and don't like sitting in one place. Vata is subtle, and this subtle quality is responsible for the emotions of fear, anxiety, insecurity and nervousness. Vata is clear, therefore vata people can be clairvoyant; they have clear understanding and perception. They understand things immediately, but forget things immediately. Vata is astringent, which is a drying and choking quality of taste, therefore the vata person, while eating feels a drying choking sensation in the throat.

Types of Vata

Prana Vata - Governs the senses, creative thinking, reasoning, enthusiasm, leader of all 15 categories of Vata, Pitta and Kapha

Udana Vata - Governs quality of voice, memory, movements of thought

Samana Vata - Governs movement of food through digestive tract

Apana Vata - Elimination of wastes, sexual function, menstrual cycle

Vyana Vata - Governs blood flow, heart rhythm, perspiration, sense of touch

Symptoms of Vata Imbalance

Prana Vata - Worries, overactive mind, sleep problems, difficulty breathing

Udana Vata - Dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, general fatigue

Samana Vata - Slow or rapid digestion, gas, intestinal cramps, poor assimilation, weak tissues

Apana Vata - Intestinal cramps, menstrual problems, lower back pain, irregularity, diarrhea, constipation, gas

Vyana Vata - Dry or rough skin, nervousness, shakiness, poor blood flow, stress-related problems

Tips to Balance Vata

  • Abhyanga (daily ayurvedic massage with sesame oil)
  • Warm temperatures. Stay warm in cold, windy weather
  • Warm, cooked foods (less raw foods)
  • Early bedtime, lots of rest and sleep
  • Favor warm, oily, heavy, sweet, sour, and salty tastes
  • Reduce light, dry, cold, pungent, bitter and astringent foods
  • Avoid raw foods, juices, fasting
  • Avoid stimulants
  • Refrain from excessive aerobic activity

This is a short description and if you want to learn more you can visit my website - and get more information.

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