Tridosha - Pitta and Kapha- part2
Part 3 : "What is Pitta ? How to balance it "
PITTA - The Fire Humour
Pitta has hot, sharp, light, liquid, sour, oily and spreading qualities. Pitta has a strong smell, like a fleshy smell, and has a sour or bitter taste.
Pitta Personality
If an individual has excess pitta in the body,because of it's hot quality,
the person has a strong appetite and warm skin. The body temperature
is a little higher than the vata person. If hungry, he has to eat otherwise he
will become irritable and hypoglycemic.
The second quality of pitta is sharp, therefore the pitta person has a sharp
nose, teeth, eyes, mind and while talking uses sharp words. They also have
very sharp memory. Because of the oily quality, they have soft warm oily skin,
straight oily hair, and the feces are oily and liquid. Because of the hot, sharp,
and oily qualities, pitta people have a tendency to grey prematurely, a sign of
early maturity. Pitta girls get earlier menstruation and reach puberty earlier.
Pitta people are moderate in body frame, and they do not like bright light.
They like to read before they go to bed, and sometimes the pitta person
sleeps with a book on the chest. Because of too much heat in the body,
pitta person can get a receding hair line, or a big, beautiful, bald head.
The next quality of pitta is strong smell. When the pitta person perspires,
under the arm pit there is a typical sulphur smell, and if he doesn't wash his socks,
they will have a strong smell. That's why a pitta person loves perfumes.
Pitta people are lovers of knowledge and have a great capacity of organization
and leadership. They are often wise, brilliant people, but can have a controlling,
dominating personality. Pitta people have a tendency towards comparison, competition,
ambition, and they have a quality of aggressiveness, so naturally they criticize.
They are perfectionists.
Types of Pitta
Alochaka Pitta - Governs functioning of the eyes
Bhrajaka Pitta Responsible for healthy glow of the skin Sadhaka Pitta - Controls desire, drive, decisiveness, spirituality
Pachaka Pitta - Responsible for digestion, assimilation, metabolism for healthy nutrients and tissues
Ranjaka Pitta - Responsible for healthy, toxin-free blood
Symptoms of Pitta Imbalance
Alochaka Pitta - Blood shot eyes, poor vision
Bhrajaka Pitta - Skin rashes, acne
Sadhaka Pitta - More demanding, workaholic
Pachaka Pitta - Hyperacidity
Ranjaka Pitta - Early graying of hair, anger, toxins in blood
Tips to Balance Pitta -
- Avoid sesame and mustard oils, fish, buttermilk, whey, mutton, fasting, acidic fruits, alcohol, meat and fatty, oily foods.
- Keep cool. Avoid hot temperatures and food
- Favor cool, heavy, dry, sweet, bitter and astringent foods
- Reduce pungent, sour, salty, warm, oily and light foods
- Moderation in work , don't overwork Allow for leisure time
- Regular mealtimes, especially at noon
This is a short description and if you want to learn more you can visit my website - and get more information.
Part 4 : "What is Kapha ? How to balance it "
KAPHA -The Water Humour
Heavy, slow, cool, oily, liquid, dense, thick, static and cloudy - These are the important qualities of kapha, and kapha is sweet and salty.Kapha Personality-
Because of the heavy quality, kapha people have heavy bones, muscles and fat.
They will have a tendency to put on weight. A kapha person may even do a water
fast and will put on weight. Kapha is slow, therefore a kapha person has slow
metabolism and digestion. The kapha person can work without food, while it is
very difficult for a pitta person to concentrate without food. Kapha is cool hence
kapha people have cool, clammy skin. The skin is cool, but within the G.I. tract the
digestive fire is high therefore they have a strong appetite.
Kapha people have other qualities, thick wavy hair, and big, attractive eyes.
They have slow but prolonged, steady memory. Kapha people are forgiving, loving
and compassionate. Because of the slow quality, kapha people walk slowly and
talk slowly. They don't like jogging and jumping. They love eating, sitting and doing nothing.
Types of Kapha
Tarpaka Kapha - Responsible for moisture for nose, mouth, eyes and brain
Bhodaka Kapha - Governs Sense of taste, which is essential for good digestion
Kledaka Kapha - Governs moisture of the stomach lining for good digestion
Avalambaka Kapha - Protects the heart, strong muscles, healthy lungs
Sleshaka Kapha - Lubricates the joints,Keeps skin soft and supple.
Symptoms of Kapha Imbalance
Tarpaka Kapha- Sinus congestion, poor sense of smell
Bhodaka Kapha - Poor sense of taste, food cravings due to lack of fulfillment
Kledaka Kapha - Impaired digestion, poor absorption
Avalambaka Kapha - Lethargy, respiratory problems, lower back pain
Sleshaka Kapha - Weight gain, oily skin, loose or painful joints
Tips to Balance Kapha
- Vigorous regular exercise, a little each day
- Warm temperatures ,Stay warm in cold, damp weather
- Fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes
- Favor pungent, bitter, astringent, light, dry and warm foods
- Reduce heavy, oily, cold, sweet, sour and salty foods
- Early to bed, early to rise
Now that you have understood about the Fundamental principle of Ayurveda "Tridosha" and about Dosha predominance in prakriti, you can understand the Diagnosis and Treatment part of Ayurveda better.
Suppose you have a Kapha (water) dominant constitution then you may have a tendency to overweight, over-emotional nature or suffer congestion in the chest. So you should modify your diet, life style, daily routine and other activities accordingly, for example, avoid sleeping too much in the day or eating too many sweets, to maintain your health and also to cure the diseases .
I hope that you will continue to explore Ayurveda to enhance your health and to gain further insights into this miracle we call life.
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