Exercise /Calories burnt Calculator

Calorie Calculator

Simply enter your bodyweight and the average time you spend during one of the exercises/activities and click on Compute Calories Burned. The number of calories burned for the time you specified will be calculated for each exercise/activity. You can click on "Clear And Start Again" and add your average time spent for as many exercises/activities as you like. You may want to print this page as a list of great exercises/activities and the number of calories your body burns for each one.

Weight (in lbs.):
Time (in min.):

Gym and Home Activities
Aerobics: low impact
Aerobics: high impact
Aerobics, Step: low impact
Aerobics, Step: high impact
Aerobics: water
Bicycling, Stationary: moderate
Bicycling, Stationary: vigorous
Circuit Training: general
Rowing, Stationary: moderate
Rowing, Stationary: vigorous
Ski Machine: general
Stair Step Machine: general
Weight Lifting: general
Weight Lifting: vigorous
Training Activities
Basketball: playing a game
Basketball: wheelchair
Bicycling: BMX or mountain
Bicycling: 12-13.9 mph
Bicycling: 14-15.9 mph
Boxing: sparring
Football: competitive
Football: touch, flag, general
Golf: carrying clubs
Golf: using cart
Gymnastics: general
Handball: general
Hiking: cross-country
Horseback Riding: general
Ice Skating: general
Martial Arts: general
Racquetball: competitive
Racquetball: casual, general
Rock Climbing: ascending
Rock Climbing: repelling
Rollerblade Skating
Rope Jumping
Running: 5 mph (12 min/mile)
Running: 5.2 mph (11.5 min/mile)
Running: 6 mph (10 min/mile)
Running: 6.7 mph (9 min/mile)
Running: 7.5 mph (8 min/mile)
Running: 8.6 mph (7 min/mile)
Running: 10 mph (6 min/mile)
Running: pushing wheelchair, marathon wheeling
Running: cross-country
Skiing: cross-country
Skiing: downhill
Snow Shoeing
Softball: general play
Swimming: general
Tennis: general
Volleyball: non-competitive,
general play
Volleyball: competitive, gymnasium play
Volleyball: beach
Walk: 3.5 mph (17 min/mi)
Walk: 4 mph (15 min/mi)
Walk: 4.5 mph (13 min/mi)
Walk/Jog: jog <10 min.
Water Skiing
Water Polo
Whitewater: rafting, kayaking
Daily Life Activities
Chopping & Splitting Wood
Gardening: general
House cleaning: general
Mowing Lawn: push, hand
Mowing Lawn: push, power
Operate Snow Blower: walking
Children's Games: 4-square, etc.
Raking Lawn
Sex: moderate effort
Shoveling Snow: by hand

Disclaimer: The information given here in Calorie Calculator is designed to help you make informed decisions about your health. It is not intended as a substitute for the advice or treatment that may have been prescribed by your physician. Before adhering to any of this information or recommendations, you should consult with your physician. Understand that you are solely responsible for the way that this information is perceived and utilized, and do so at your own risk. In no way will 'Ayurveda For You' be responsible for any problems that might occur due to the use of this calorie calculator or the advice contained within.