Shatavari Health Benefits
Shatavari is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenative for the female. It is an extremely nutritious tonic for women, from menarche to menopause.
The roots are used for medicinal purpose. The plant is used both internally as well as externally.
Medicinal Uses of Shatavari (External)-
The medicated oil is the best medicament, in vata diseases and in Vata – Pitta diseases of the head, it is useful for massage. The paste of its fresh leaves is applied on burning sensation of the skin in smallpox and bullae. The famous preparation 'Narayan Tail'(Oil) is used externally on large scale on many vata diseases for massage. It strengthens the muscles, alleviates the Vata dosha and reduces pain in lumbago, sciatica, inflamed joints and also in paralysis or paresis.
Medicinal Uses of Shatavari (Internal):
Internally, Shatavari is used as a cure for various diseases.- -- The fresh juice of its roots with honey reduces the burning sensation and pain in tumors due to pitta. Shatavari ghrita (ghee) is the best panacea for acid peptic disease (hyper acidity).
- -- It is an effective demulcent for the dry and inflamed membranes of the lungs, stomach, kidneys and sexual organs.
- -- It is effective for the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers, along with hyperacidity.
- -- In diarrhea and dysentery associated with bleeding, the medicated milk or Ghrita is extremely benevolent.
- -- Shatavari also augments the appetite and stimulates the liver.
- -- Shatavari also increases the quality and quantity of breast milk in nursing mothers, hence Shatavari preparations are traditionally given is postpartum period.
- -- It also is anabolic to uterus, hence, useful in uterine hypoplasia in young girls.
- -- Shatavari ameliorates the bleeding per rectum. For this purpose, the fresh root juice or its decoction is used.
- -- Shatavari is the best nervine tonic, so useful in debility in epilepsy and hysteria. Shatavari yoga is used for this purpose.
- -- As an aphrodisiac, its root powder (10 gm) is recommended daily, with the milk and sugar. It works well as a general tonic and augments the seminal fluids.
- --In edema due to cardiac origin, Shatavari imparts beneficial effects on the heart, reduces edema, and boosts the hemoglobin percentage with Shatavari siddhaghrita.
- -- Narayana oil, mentioned above can be used internally with benefit in bronchial asthma. It curbs the intensity of the bronchospasms and decreases the frequency of paroxysms.
- -- Shatavari also increases the urinary output, hence beneficial in urinary stones and Dysurea.
- -- It also works well as a rejuvenative, to improve the eyesight when given from prolonged duration.
- -- Phala ghrita is one of the well known preparations of Shatavari, which is used as an all round tonic for the uterus. It improves the uterine growth, mitigates dysmenorrhea and menorrhegia, augments the fertility and imparts anabolic properties. Phala ghrita is the formulation designed by an ancient seer – Bharadvaja.
Read more about Shatavari Here