Decoding the tears

Management of crying baby

All babies cry. Some cry more, some cry less. He is trying to tell you something. It is his language. It is his means of communication. It is natural for a baby to cry. He may cry even when nothing is wrong, Crying is Healthy. It is an activity. It is an exercise for the baby. Cry only means that the baby needs help.

Learn the Meaning Behind Cries
Knowing the meaning behind baby's cry is important. You have to get used to your baby's cry. And to learn what it means. Initially, all crying sounds the same. After a few weeks of listening closely and responding to your newborn's needs you will an idea of what your baby is trying to tell you.

Babies Cry Differently
Not all babies cry the same. Cry depends upon personality the baby is born with. Some babies just cry more than others. The crying is part of a baby's natural development. It won't last forever! Eventually, all babies outgrow their crying.


  • · Hunger
  • · Fatigue/tired
  • · Too hot or too cold
  • · Wet or soiled diaper
  • · Need to be burped
  • · Need to be held
  • · Abdominal gas discomfort
  • · Need to suck
  • · Need to feel secure
  • · Sensitivity to bright lights or loud noises
  • · Over-stimulation
  • · Boredom
  • · Frustration
  • · Clothing too tight or uncomfortable
  • · Stress
  • · Temperament (some babies simply cry more)
  • · Stressful home environment
  • · Drugs. Anti-histaminics in cough formulas, Bronchodilators oral and inhaled.
  • · Cry- Startle-Cry vicious cycle. (Cry is a part of Moro’s reflex)


Respond quickly and try to meet baby's needs. Baby is not spoiled if you pick her up. Give her attention. She will cry less overall. Longer a baby cries, the more upset she becomes, and the more difficult it becomes to calm the baby. Change the diaper, feed, burp, or change position of baby. Provide reassuring contact and a pleasant environment. Provide skin-to-skin contact and a relaxed environment.

Try one or another of the following to calm your baby:

  • · Rocking a baby gently in your arms, while standing or sitting in a rocking chair
  • · Gently stroking baby's head
  • · Patting back or chest
  • · Wrapping baby snug in a blanket
  • · Singing or talking
  • · Playing soft music
  • · Walking (in arms, stroller, or carriage)
  • · Riding in car
  • · Burping to relieve gas
  • · Giving a warm bath
  • · Changing locations (from light to dark)
  • · Changing locations (from quiet to less quiet or vice-versa)

Dealing with Frustration
Bouts of endless crying, high-pitched shrieks, test the nerves. Nothing seems to work. Do not get frustrated, feel helpless, get mad at the child and shake her. Do not lose control. You need a break. Change hands. If you have a "chronic crier," accept it. Check with your pediatrician to see if there is a medical reason for crying.

When to go to a doctor?

  • · Illness.
  • · Nothing works and and you are concerned
  • · Fever, not sucking, not accepting feeds.
  • · Passing less urine, less than 6 times a day.
  • · Watery loose motions.
  • · Breathing fast.
  • · Need help.

Crying baby is a great challenge for a new parent. Don't worry. Recognize that a baby's cries have special meaning to you. Babies are given the ability to cry for a reason. It is her first attempts to talk to you. Stay calm. Crying is just a part of her healthy development. . Learn to care. Prevent stress in baby and you. Prevent child abuse by controlling your emotions.

This article is written by Dr. Anil Mokashi, MD,DCH,FIAP,PhD(Pediatrics). BARAMATI