Ayurvedic Weight Loss Solution

In simple terms, obesity is being more than one-fifth overweight as compared to the normal weight range. Obesity can be defined as excessive enlargement of body's total quantity of fat. There is no biologic reason for men and women to get fatter as they grow older. Therefore the standard for overfatness for adult men and women should probably be established as men above 20% and women above 30% body fat. The location of adipose (fatty) tissue in the body should also be considered', fat distributed in the abdominal region poses a greater health risk compared to fat deposited at the thigh and buttocks.
The weight charts for men and women according to their heights (BMI) are only rough indications of the state of over weight or obesity.
It is a most common nutritional disorder in affluent societies. Luxurious, inactive and sedentary life style of today made a great increase in no. of persons.


% above ideal weigh Diagnosis
10-20 Overweight
20-30 Mild Obesity
30-50 Moderate Obesity
50-100 Severe Obesity
100% + Morbid Obesity

Hazards of Obesity

  • National Institute of Health, USA has issued an alert labelling obesity a "Killing disease".
  • Commonly 60 to 70 percent Cardiac patients die of Obesity. Obesity is implicated most strongly in coronary disease. Overweight also contributes to the development of diabetes, hypertension, and elevated blood lipid levels, kidney and gallbladder disorders. Obesity has been implicated in increased incidence of some types of cancer like cancer of colon, pancreas, breast, uterus, kidney and gallbladder.
  • Overweight persons suffer from Osteo-Arthirities that is Joint Pain which acts as an Obstacle for your mobility.
  • Many Divorces took place because of Obesity as the sexual dive may not be fully satisfied by both partners.
  • More chances of menstrual irregularities.
  • Your colleagues may hate you because Obesity may accompany bad body odour.
  • Heavy weighing persons are the common targets of comments & taunts which may damage his psychological health.

Ayurveda's Approach to Obesity

In ayurvedic text, 'Charakacharya' has described eight 'nindya prakruties' (undesirable constitution) according to the body constitution. Among them he has also mentioned obesity. Obesity is described as 'Medoroga' in Ayurved. It is said that it is comparatively easy to help an underweight person, rather than an overweight person. The overweight problem can be due to an actual increase in the fat component (Meda Dhatu), or it can be due to malfunctioning. These, accordingly, will need different approaches. In very few cases it can be an offshoot of other metabolic disorders.

Body is made of 7- Dhatus {Rasa (Lymph), Rakta (Blood), Maans (Muscle), Meda( Fat), Asthi (Bones), Majja (Nervous System) Shukra (Reproductive System)}. But in Obese fellow Meda is excessively nourished and remaining other Dhatus get malnourished. Kapha gets accumulated in between. When Kapha increases in abnormal fashion, Fat metabolism gets hampered and person becomes Obese.

Roll of medicines with dietary correction is to remove obstructed Kapha and let all Dhatus nourish equally. It is not only the quantity of food that is important, but also the type of food one eats. It is not always necessary to go on a restricted diet, but qualitative changes and food habits can bring remarkable changes.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Obesity

Prevention is better then cure. You must take precautions rather following treatment after increase in weight. Once you are obese it is difficult to treat yourself.
  • Avoid excess eating, eating during indigestion or just after taking pervious meal.
  • Avoid day sleeping; sleep in the night after one hour of your dinner.
  • Do regular exercise like brisk walking (at least), running, swimming etc. avoid sedentary and lethargic lifestyle.
  • Avoid eating excess sweets. Have lowfat /skim dairy products. Avoid product like chocolates, ice creams, cheese, paneer, sugar etc.
  • Take non-vegetarian food like chicken, fishes, eggs, meats etc. in moderate quantity. Remove fat from meat & skin from chicken.
  • Try to minimise excess oil & ghee in cooking, Use a non-stick pan for cooking. avoid hydrogenated vegetable oils, Instead of frying things try to consume roasted things & change your cooking techniques a little. Grill or bake food instead of frying, cook vegetables without fat by steaming and boiling.
  • Use lowfat spreads and chutney on bread instead of butter and cheese.
  • Don't consume excess alcoholic drinks or water on empty stomach.
  • Avoid aerated drinks and excess water after meal.
  • Intake of fat and carbohydrates should be restricted.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Overweight

The Ayurvedic approach to drugs in general is quite different from what we've been used to. Herbal supplements can be of great benefit in weight control without the negative side effects of conventional drugs. With the diet therapy alone, the treatment of obesity is incomplete. Diet can avoid the further possibilities of obesity, but the fat has to be treated and the defective metabolism must be corrected, which is done by Ayurvedic medicines. These medicines improve fat metabolism in an obese individual. Once a person's metabolism is correct it is easy for him to maintain his weight.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity

  • Use of guduchi, devadaru, musta, triphala, takrarishta (a fermented preparation of butter milk) and honey is recommended.
  • Powder of yava and amalaka is an excellent formulation for the same.
  • Shilajita along with the juice of Agnimatha works good.
  • Take honey water early in the morning.
  • Take powder of Vidanga, Sunthi, Yavakshara, Yava, Aamalaki and 'Loha (iron) Bhasma'.
But remember this is supplementary to dietary changes stated above. You should give up sedentary life style and gradually increase physical exercise and mental work.
Disclaimer - The information provided here is offered as a service and is not meant to replace any medical treatment. Use this information at your own risk. We caution users not to seek the therapies described here without consulting a registered medical practitioner
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