Beat The Summer Heat- Follow Ayurvedic Summer Lifestyle

The heat of the summer seeps into our system, saps away our strength and leaves us dehydrated. Ancient Indian scriptures advice an Ayurvedic regimen for all, which helps to avoid dehydration and to maintain vitality.

Activities to be avoided during Summer Months:

  • Strenuous exercises
  • Going out in afternoons when the heat is at its peak
  • Pungent, sour and salty foods
  • Foods that produce heat within the body
  • Alcohol. Wine may be taken, well diluted, if necessary Wine if taken in summer months can cause weight loss, flabbiness of the body, acidity, fainting and may occasionally lead to, delirium and delusion in some people.

Recommended Activities during the Summer Months:

  • Use perfumes with sandal fragrance regularly.
  • Wear thin and light clothes.
  • Have an afternoon nap.
  • Go for a soothing walk, in the evening, near the beach or river.
  • Take bath(s) with cold water.
  • Stay indoors as far as possible
  • Light a fragrant incense inside the house
  • During the nights spend time on the terrace
  • Spend time with friends or relatives singing, chatting and playing.

Food Recommended During Summer

Make sure to consume foods that cool the body and are sweet. These include Rice, buffalo's milk and ghee

Drinks Recommended For Summer

Fruit juices and tender coconut water are highly recommended.

Besides these, Ayurveda recommends a few fragrant drinks to be taken more often to cool and revitalize the body during the summer months. Ideally, these drinks must be stored in a new mud pot and consumed cold.

The following are some of the drinks that Ayurveda recommends to beat the heat-
A. Panka:
Preparation - Mix 30 gm of jaggery in 1 liter of water. Then add a pinch of powdered dry ginger, cardamom and cinnamon and mix it well. This preparation is called 'Panaka'.
It is very soothing, cooling, nourishing, tasty and it satisfactorily quenches thirst.

B. Mantha:
Preparation - Take equal quantities of dried grapes, dates and figs. Soak it in the water for an hour. Then put it in mixer and churn it well. This preparation is called 'Mantha'. It is very soothing, has a cooling effect and is nourishing. It also relaxes and cools the system.

C. Raga
Diluted syrup of following is recommended-

  • Ananta (Hemidesmus indicus)
  • Kamala (Lotus)
  • Gulaba (rose)
  • Amra (Mango)
  • Draksha (Grapes)
  • Chandana (Sandal)
  • Ushira
  • Jambhira (Lemon)
The above are some of the herbs and fruits that can be used during summer. These can be made into syrup and diluted with water to be served when needed.

Preparation - Make a fine powder of dry roasted barley and channa dhal. Mix it with water and boil it. Then add jaggery, cardamom and milk. Serve it after it cools down.

Gulkand - Rose-petal preserve is also been traditionally used as an Elixir for Heat, a cooling tonic in heat-related / pitta Problems.
Read more about Gulkand

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