Latest Ayurveda News

01/04/2024 09:34 AM
'Ayurvedic Marma Therapy'
Marma Therapy is an ancient Ayurvedic technique that involves stimulating specific points on the body to balance the flow of energy and promote health and Well-being.......
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
'Tips For Losing Weight With Ayurveda'
According to Ayurveda, being overweight or obese may involve excess of kapha dosha, which is a product of earth and water.It is important to balance the Kapha by following certain ayurvedic principles.......
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
'Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout'
According to Ayurveda, Vata Rakta (Gout) is caused by aggravation of Vata and Rakta dosha impurity, which leads to accumulation of toxins (ama) in the body.......
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
The Role of Ayurveda in Enhancing the Aging Experience
As our population continues to agе, thе significancе of sеnior carе is morе pronouncеd and Ayurvеda stands as a beacon of hopе with its uniquе and holistic approach to sеnior care. This article dеlvеs into thе profound rolе of Ayurvеda in еnhancing thе aging еxpеriеncе, offering insights into its principles, practicеs, and bеnеfits........
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
'Ayurveda herb - Curry Leaves'
Curry leaves are a versatile and beneficial herb that can enhance your health and beauty in many ways. Try to use them into your daily cooking and see the difference for yourself.......
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
Ayurvedic Herbs To Stay Healthy in Monsoon
Monsoon season brings many health challenges. The change in weather, humidity, and temperature can affect our immunity and make us prone to infections, allergies, and digestive problems.....
01/04/2024 09:34 AM
'Natural Ayurvedic remedies for prickly heat'
Prickly heat is a common skin condition that can be very uncomfortable and irritating. Here are some natural Ayurvedic remedies that can help soothe prickly heat and prevent its recurrence......