Ayurvedic Herbs & Medicines for Hypertension-2

Ayurvedic medications :

Useful Ayurvedic Herbs For hypertension

Sarpagandha : For centuries Rauwolfia serpentina has been used to treat hypertension. 'Rasagandha' is a product used for effective treatment of hypertension. Main Ingredients :- Sootshekhar, Jatamansi,Sarpagandha
Arjuna : Terminalia arjuna produced dose-dependent hypotension in anaesthetized dogs. Action of mechanism for this particular herb is that it acts like a beta-blocker and is a powerful antioxidant, liver protectant and contains cardio-protective, hypolipidemic, anti-angina and anti-atheroma properties. Read more about Arjuna
Gokshura : Tribulus terrestris(gokshura) is a natural herb used for treating many diseases including hypertension. It has shown to be diuretic and an ACE inhibitor.

Home Remedies for Hypertension

  • Garlic or Rasona is most important substance helpful in alleviating vata dosha controlling blood pressure. Garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride that have impact on heart disease. A paste made of about 1 gm of garlic should be mixed with a glass of buttermilk. Drink this buttermilk twice a day. It will bring your blood pressure down. Read more about garlic
    Eating 2/3 raw clove of garlic (prior to soaking it in buttermilk) on empty stomach in the morning will correct any vitiation of vata dosha and will help to lower your blood pressure.
  • Powder of 'Triphala' should be taken regularly at night with warm water. This will help maintain constipation and bowels will remain clean.Read more about Triphala
  • Soak 1tsp fenugreek seed in water for a night and munch them early in the morning on empty stomach. It will reduce your cholesterol and excess fats.

Panchakarma for Hypertension

Niruha basti Chikitsa (non unctuous enema) will be beneficial in hypertension and should be given by experienced physician.
Dhara therapy is also helpful in treating obstinate cases of hypertension. Oil processed with bala (sida cordifolia) and milk is allowed to drop in small droplets on the forehead of the patient.

Ayurvedic Treatment according to dosha predominance in Hypertension:

When Vata predominates, An increase in blood pressure will be followed by worry, strain, overwork, anxiety or insomnia.
It frequently associated with nervous system disorders.anxiety, worry, stress, and strain, are usually the main factors, therefore, treat the psychological conditions.
Vata Treatment - Take 125 mg.of serpagandha (raulfia serpentina) and jatamansi 3 times daily for 2 – 3 months.
Garlic is very good for this condition. Eat an entire crushed clove (with honey) once or twice a week.
Take nutmeg or saraswat powder in warm milk.
Take Ashwagandha preparations.

When Pitta predominates, anger,nose bleed, Irritability, and Violent headaches Sensitivity to light contribute to high blood pressure.
Pitta Treatment - Use tranquilizing herbs that have cold potency. For example, take 250 mg. of Brahmi at night.
You can take Brahmi Rasayana,Saraswat powder
To purify Pitta, take 1 gram each of Indian sarsaparilla (sariva) for 15 days.

When Kapha is prominent, there may be dull headache,edema, lethargy with obesity.blood pressure remains continually high. (no fluctuation as in Pitta hypertension.)
Kapha Treatment - Avoid dairy, butter, eggs and high fat foods.
- 1 gm. of guggulu or arjuna twice daily, or 250 mg. of shilajit 3 times daily for 3 months can be taken.
Kapha type of hypertension is almost due to arteriosclerosis (deposition of fat inside the arteries - making their lumen narrow- causing hypertension). All the above herbs remove arteriosclerosis. Optimal mixture is 'Triphala guggul' 1 gm. daily for 3 months.
100 mg. of cardamom and cinnamon 3 times daily is beneficial. Take these mixtures for 3 months. Regularly check blood pressure.


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