Ayurvedic Dincharya - Ideal Daily Routine - 2

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Lunch: It should be taken early between 12 and 1 P.M. this coincides with the peak Pitta period, Pitta is responsible for the digestion. Ayurveda recommends that the lunch should be the largest meal of the day. After the meal it is good to take a little walk, a couple hundred steps only, to help the food digest.

Sciesta: Anything more than a short nap should be avoided because sleeping in the day is prohibited in Ayurveda.

Study / Work : Do what you do from now until supper.

Sundown is a special time of balance between day and night. In this balance it is easier for your mind to stop long enough so that you can see your Self. This is the time for evening prayers and meditations in many cultures around the world.

It should be taken around 7 P.M. It should be lighter than the lunch. The dinner should be at least three hours before bedtime as gives the body ample time to digest the food. Sleeping just after the dinner with a heavy stomach is not conducive to a sound sleep.
Walk to aid digestion for about 10 – 15 minutes.

Ease: From dinner to bedtime just take it easy. Spend time with family, read, and relax.

Go to sleep around 10 P.M. so that you can get 6 to 7 hours of sleep before 4:30 am. A good practice is to massage the soles of your feet with a calming oil before going to bed. This will calm your system and promote well being.
And remember to take your Triphala before sleep.

One should try to keep the routine as close to the recommended Dincharya as possible. The body might resist the change for a first few days but if you do manage to persist then you are bound to get rewarded with a much healthier and satisfying life.  <<< Previous part

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