Glossary of Ayurvedic Terms - P
commonest meanings defined in simplest way.
[K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [Y]
It is the combination of bile and pancreatic juices located in an area between the stomach and the duodenum. It is one of the five subtypes of pitta and when malfunctions it causes burning sensation, increases appetitie, thirst, insomnia and jaundice,
These are the natural substances that help in proper digestion.
It is a Sanskrit word meaning decoction, boiling, and fermentation.
According to ayurveda this refers to the five cleansing therapies i.e. vaman, virechan, basti, nasya and rakta moksha. In literal terms these internal purification refer to vomiting, purgation, decoction enema, oily enema, and nasal medications. Read More>>>>
It is one of the three doshas i.e. the bile humor, entire hormones, enzymes, coenzymes and agencies responsible for the physiochemical processes of the body.
(Abnormal increase) Charaka describes Prakopa as second stage in the pathogenesis of any disease. The unbalanced dosha
According to the Samkhya definition this means unconscious, inherent relationship between self and matter. In other words it means one's life consumption. Read More>>>>
Prana [vata]
Literally meaning outgoing moving air, this is first of the five-vayu subdoshas and is responsible for respiratory functions and regulating inhalation.
It is a breathing exercise for purifying the blood and vitalizing the inner organs. The three aspects of this exercise are inhalation, retention and exhalation with the aim of increasing the span of each aspect and more controlled.
It is the fifth stage of yoga and means withdrawal and liberation of mind from the sense sand the objects.
It is a Sanskrit word meaning effort. Effort of vata is light, rapid whereas pitta's effort is sharp, penetrating and skillful and kapha's effort is heavy, dull and sleepy.
It is the inhalation aspect of pranayama i.e. the in breathing process.
A type of fresh cheese made by curdling milk.